Archive for the ‘Music’ Category

So you like music? The new kinds? The type that makes you move and groove? But have you ever paid attention to its lyrics? Heh. Thought so!

Check it out if one of your fav songs features here. [Worst Lyrics].

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Music II

I agree with what tinkerbell has to say and also concede to the fact that perhaps even the 'original' I was referring to may not have been so. But, given the 'clandestine' manner in which she supposes it was done, I beg to differ.
Most of the old songs were 'inspired' (at the risk of using this word!) by folk music or other local art forms of the time and what they did was popularised them using the mass media at their disposal. While the intent may not have been of doing this, it sure served this purpose. Today, by remixing, we are not only not helping local art forms and Indian music (which, by the way, still has plenty to offer) but blatantly and blindly aping the west… has anyone heard the rhythms that are worked in Indian classical or folk music? The latinos would struggle to keep up with it!
So while remixes are popularising older songs, there is no agenda to it and certainly no credit given to the original artistes. Unfortunately, in this regard, they even copied their Indian predecessors who lifted tunes and rhythms from folk music without giving them due credit…


I like all kinds of music… Hindi film, classics, some Indian classical (esp instrumental), Western classical, Rock, some pop but what I hate are remixes of old songs. It's like mistreating an elder in your family. Of late, there are enough available that I think flout all copyright laws… just because someone else is singing it with added percussion should not qualify it as a new song.
What's worse, the very industry that's fighting piracy is supporting it by doing this. A case of cannibalism? Clearly.
Why then, do these guys indulge in this? My thought is they have run out of original stuff! Some of the guys that can do some original work are happier working in films making money when they can. Even if they try to do some original non-film work, they don't get the kind of support or exposure a film can get them. Economics rules this, nothing else. By now you would like to know the purpose of this post… I was shopping for some music the other day and came across this MP3 CD that had some really good old songs and without checking for any of the abovementioned details, purchsed it. Much to my dismay, the moment I played it, Kishore Kumar and Lata Mangeshkars voices had changed dramatically! Worse still, their talent had waned! Please, someone, please put an end to this!